Definition of indemnity


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The term "indemnity" can be traced back to the Middle Ages, where it was initially used in a legal context related to the compensation of damages. The word "indemnity" comes from the Latin term "in-" (meaning "not") and "demnus" (meaning "compensated"). In its original form, indemnity referred to the act of absolving a person from any further liability for damages. This concept was typically applied when an individual was found not guilty of a crime or when someone was released from a legal obligation. Over time, the use of indemnity expanded to include financial compensation for losses, damages, or injuries sustained by an individual or entity. In the context of insurance, indemnity refers to the amount of money paid by an insurer to a policyholder to cover losses incurred due to a covered event. In summary, the origin of the word "indemnity" can be traced back to its Latin roots, where it referred to the concept of absolving someone from liability or compensating them for damages. Its current use in insurance refers to the payment made by an insurer to a policyholder for losses incurred due to a covered event.


protection against damage or loss, especially in the form of a promise to pay for any damage or loss that happens

bảo vệ chống lại thiệt hại hoặc mất mát, đặc biệt dưới hình thức hứa trả tiền cho bất kỳ thiệt hại hoặc mất mát nào xảy ra

  • an indemnity clause/fund/policy

    một điều khoản/quỹ/chính sách bồi thường

  • indemnity insurance

    Bảo hiểm trách nhiệm

a sum of money that is given as payment for damage or loss

một khoản tiền được đưa ra để thanh toán cho thiệt hại hoặc mất mát

  • Our client will seek an indemnity from the vendor for a breach of contract.

    Khách hàng của chúng tôi sẽ yêu cầu nhà cung cấp bồi thường do vi phạm hợp đồng.

  • The defeated nations were forced to pay an indemnity of $800 million.

    Các quốc gia bại trận buộc phải bồi thường 800 triệu USD.