Definition of human error

human errornoun

lỗi của con người

/ˌhjuːmən ˈerə(r)//ˌhjuːmən ˈerər/

The term "human error" first appeared in the early 1960s as a concept in the field of industrial engineering and human factors psychology. At the time, engineers and psychologists were studying the causes of mistakes and accidents in the workplace to improve safety and efficiency. The term "human error" was coined to describe situations in which a human being made a mistake or committed an action that resulted in undesirable consequences. The phrase emphasized the idea that errors were not inherent in human nature, but rather the result of situational factors (such as inadequate training, instrumentation, or procedures) that could be identified and addressed to prevent similar errors in the future. The concept of human error quickly gained popularity as a way of explaining and managing errors in industries such as aviation, healthcare, and nuclear power, where safety was of paramount importance. Today, the notion of human error is deeply embedded in safety-critical domains, where it guides the development of systems, technologies, and procedures that are designed to minimize the risk of errors and mistakes.


the fact of making mistakes as a natural result of being human; mistakes of this kind

thực tế phạm sai lầm là kết quả tự nhiên của con người; những sai lầm kiểu này

  • We must allow for human error.

    Chúng ta phải chấp nhận sai sót của con người.

the fact that a mistake is made by a person, rather than as a result of technology failing to work correctly; mistakes of this kind

thực tế là một lỗi được thực hiện bởi một người, chứ không phải là kết quả của công nghệ không hoạt động đúng; những lỗi như thế này

  • The plane crash was caused by human error, not mechanical failure.

    Vụ tai nạn máy bay là do lỗi của con người, không phải do lỗi kỹ thuật.