Definition of graciously


một cách ân cần


The word "graciously" has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It is derived from the Latin words "gratia," meaning "favor" or "pleasure," and the suffix "-ously," which forms an adverb. In Middle English, the word "graciously" emerged, initially meaning "with favor" or "gladly." Over time, the meaning of "graciously" expanded to include connotations of kindness, benevolence, and graciousness. In modern English, the word is often used to describe actions or attitudes that are pleasing, considerate, and courteous. For example: "She graciously accepted the invitation" or "He spoke graciously about his opponent." Throughout history, "graciously" has been used in various contexts, from formal letters and speeches to literary works and everyday conversations. Today, it remains a versatile and essential word in the English language, used to convey a sense of kindness, courtesy, and respect.


in a kind, polite and generous way, especially to somebody of a lower social position

theo cách tử tế, lịch sự và hào phóng, đặc biệt là với người có địa vị xã hội thấp hơn

  • She graciously accepted our invitation.

    Cô ấy đã vui vẻ chấp nhận lời mời của chúng tôi.

in a way that is kind and shows mercy

một cách tử tế và thể hiện lòng thương xót

  • They offered praise for what God had graciously given them.

    Họ dâng lời ngợi khen vì những gì Chúa đã nhân từ ban cho họ.