Definition of kindly


tử tế, tốt bụng


Definition of undefined

The word "kindly" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The earliest recorded use of the word dates back to around 725 AD in the poem "Caedmon's Hymn", which describes God's kindness (gecyndlic) as a fundamental nature of His character. The word is derived from the Old English word "cynd", meaning "kind" or "nature", and the suffix "-ly", which forms an adverb. So, "kindly" originally meant "in accordance with one's nature" or " characteristically". Over time, the meaning of "kindly" expanded to convey a sense of benevolence, generosity, and warmth in a person's actions or behavior. Today, we use the word to express appreciation for someone's kind deeds or to describe something that is courteous, gentle, or gracious.


in a kind way

một cách tử tế

  • She spoke kindly to them.

    Cô ấy nói chuyện tử tế với họ.

  • He has kindly agreed to help.

    Anh ấy đã vui lòng đồng ý giúp đỡ.

  • ‘Don’t worry, Jo,’ he said kindly.

    “Đừng lo, Jo,” anh tử tế nói.

  • She kindly agreed to give me a ride home.

    Cô ấy vui lòng đồng ý chở tôi về nhà.

used to ask or tell somebody to do something, sometimes when you are annoyed

dùng để yêu cầu hoặc bảo ai đó làm điều gì đó, đôi khi khi bạn thấy khó chịu

  • Kindly leave me alone!

    Làm ơn để tôi yên!

  • Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book.

    Du khách vui lòng ký tên vào cuốn sách.

Related words and phrases


kindly adjust
(Indian English)used to acknowledge and apologize for something that causes problems or difficulties and ask people to accept and adapt to the situation
  • The store will be closed this afternoon due to staffing shortages. Kindly adjust.
  • look kindly on/upon something/somebody
    (formal)to approve of something/somebody
  • He hoped they would look kindly on his request.
  • not take kindly to something/somebody
    to not like something/somebody
  • She doesn't take kindly to sudden change.