Definition of glassy


thủy tinh


The word "glassy" originates from the Old English word "glæs," meaning "glass." This term is likely derived from the Proto-Germanic word "glas," which ultimately has roots in the Proto-Indo-European word "gleh₂-," meaning "to shine." The "glassy" adjective arose as a descriptive term for the smooth, reflective, and often translucent nature of glass. It's a natural connection between the material and its visual qualities. Over time, "glassy" has expanded to describe other things that possess similar characteristics, like eyes or a calm, unruffled surface.


like glass; smooth and shiny

như thủy tinh; mịn màng và sáng bóng

  • a glassy lake

    một hồ thủy tinh

  • a glassy material

    vật liệu thủy tinh

showing no feeling or emotion

không thể hiện cảm giác hay cảm xúc

  • glassy eyes

    mắt kính

  • a glassy look/stare

    một cái nhìn/ cái nhìn đờ đẫn

  • He looked flushed and glassy-eyed.

    Anh ta trông đỏ bừng và mắt đờ đẫn.