Definition of polished


đánh bóng


The word "polished" originates from the Old French word "poliss-, polir" meaning "to make smooth." This, in turn, comes from the Latin word "polire" which meant "to make smooth, to polish." The original meaning referred to the physical act of smoothing a surface, likely with a tool like a polishing stone. Over time, the meaning expanded to include metaphorical senses of refinement, sophistication, and elegance. This is because polished surfaces often appear smoother and more aesthetically pleasing, associating the word with desirable qualities.


shiny as a result of polishing

sáng bóng do đánh bóng

  • a highly polished floor

    một sàn nhà được đánh bóng cao

Extra examples:
  • brightly polished brasses

    đồng thau đánh bóng sáng

  • the finely polished wood table

    chiếc bàn gỗ được đánh bóng tinh xảo

Related words and phrases

confident, impressive and/or showing a lot of skill

tự tin, ấn tượng và/hoặc thể hiện nhiều kỹ năng

  • polished manners

    cách cư xử lịch sự

  • She gave a polished performance on the piano.

    Cô đã có một màn trình diễn piano điêu luyện.

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