Definition of ripe


(trái cây) chín


Definition of undefined

The word "ripe" has its origin in Old English, dating back to around the 9th century. It comes from the Proto-Germanic word "ripiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "reif". The original meaning of "ripe" was "ready to be eaten" or "mature", specifically referring to fruit or vegetables. This sense of "ripe" has been retained in modern English, with common phrases such as "the fruit is ripe" or "the ice cream is ripe and ready to eat". Over time, the meaning of "ripe" has expanded to include other senses, such as "fully developed" or "mature in character". For example, a person might be described as being "ripe for a challenge" or "ripe with experience". Despite its evolution, the core meaning of "ripe" as "ready to be consumed" remains a fundamental part of its etymology.


fully grown and ready to be eaten

đã trưởng thành và sẵn sàng để ăn

  • Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.

    Chọn cà chua trước khi chúng quá chín.

Extra examples:
  • Some of the apples were not quite ripe.

    Một số quả táo chưa chín hẳn.

  • The crops were just about ripe.

    Mùa màng đã sắp chín.

  • a really ripe strawberry

    một quả dâu tây thật chín

Related words and phrases

having a taste that has fully developed

có một hương vị đã phát triển đầy đủ

Related words and phrases

strong and unpleasant

mạnh mẽ và khó chịu

ready or suitable for something to happen

sẵn sàng hoặc thích hợp cho một cái gì đó xảy ra

  • This land is ripe for development.

    Vùng đất này đã chín muồi để phát triển.

  • The conditions were ripe for social change.

    Các điều kiện đã chín muồi cho sự thay đổi xã hội.

  • Reforms were promised when the time was ripe.

    Những cải cách đã được hứa hẹn khi thời cơ chín muồi.


ripe for the picking
offering somebody an ideal opportunity to gain an advantage
  • This is an opportunity ripe for the picking.
  • The Raiders' defense is ripe for the picking.
  • a/the ripe old age (of…)
    an age that is considered to be very old
  • He lived to the ripe old age of 91.