Definition of peachy


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The word "peachy" has a delightful history! It is believed to have originated in the late 19th century, particularly in North America. During this time, "peach" was used as an interjection to express enthusiasm, satisfaction, or approval. This might have been influenced by the idea that peaches are a sweet and pleasing fruit. In the early 20th century, the phrase "peachy keen" emerged, which further solidified its meaning as an expression of great admiration or excitement. The phrase gained popularity during the 1920s and 1930s, particularly among young people, and became a slang expression to describe something that was considered excellent or fantastic. Today, "peachy" is often used in informal contexts to convey a sense of approval, satisfaction, or enthusiasm, often as an adjective or adverb, such as "That's peachy!" or "Peachy keen!"


like a peach in colour or appearance

giống như quả đào về màu sắc hoặc hình dáng

  • pale peachy skin

    làn da đào nhạt

fine; very nice

tốt; rất tốt

  • Everything is just peachy.

    Mọi thứ đều tốt đẹp.