Definition of evangelistic


truyền giáo


The word "evangelistic" has its roots in the Greek word "euangelizesthai," which means "to bring good news" or "to proclaim the gospel." This term is derived from the word "euangelion," which refers to the Christian message or the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. In the original Greek New Testament, the word "euangelizesthai" is used to describe the act of spreading the gospel or preaching the good news of God's love and salvation. Over time, the term "evangelistic" emerged in English to describe the activity of spreading the Christian message or promoting Christianity through preaching, teaching, and evangelism. In modern usage, "evangelistic" can refer to a range of activities, including preaching, missionary work, evangelism, or any other effort to spread the Christian message or promote Christianity.


trying to persuade people to become Christians

cố gắng thuyết phục mọi người trở thành người theo đạo Thiên chúa

  • an evangelistic meeting

    một cuộc họp truyền giáo

enthusiastically trying to persuade people to believe in something, appreciate something, etc.

nhiệt tình cố gắng thuyết phục mọi người tin vào điều gì đó, trân trọng điều gì đó, v.v.

  • She has brought opera to the masses with evangelistic zeal.

    Bà đã mang opera đến với công chúng bằng lòng nhiệt thành truyền giáo.