Definition of bible


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The word "Bible" comes from the Greek title of the Christian holy book, "Ta Biblia," which means "the books." This title was given to the Christian scriptures by Early Christians in the 2nd century AD. The Greek word "biblion" means "book," and the plural form "biblia" refers to the collection of books that make up the Christian scripture. The use of the word "Bible" to refer to the Christian scriptures was popularized by the early Christian church father Origen in the 3rd century AD. Before this time, the Christian scriptures were often referred to as "the law and the prophets" or "the Old and New Testaments." The term "Bible" has come to be used to refer to the sacred scripture of Christianity, as well as to any other sacred book that is considered authoritative and revered by a particular religion or denomination.


the holy book of the Christian religion, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament

sách thánh của đạo Thiên chúa, bao gồm Cựu Ước và Tân Ước

the holy book of the Jewish religion, consisting of the Torah (or Law), the prophets and the Writings

sách thánh của tôn giáo Do Thái, bao gồm Torah (hoặc Luật), các nhà tiên tri và các tác phẩm

a copy of the holy book of the Christian or Jewish religion

một bản sao của cuốn sách thánh của đạo Thiên chúa hoặc đạo Do Thái

a book containing important information on a subject, that you refer to very often

một cuốn sách chứa thông tin quan trọng về một chủ đề mà bạn thường xuyên tham khảo

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