Definition of apostolic


tông đồ


The word "apostolic" originates from the Greek words "apostolos," meaning "messenger" or "envoy," and "apkészomai," meaning "to send." In the context of Christianity, apostolic refers to the original disciples of Jesus Christ, who were sent by Jesus to spread his teachings and establish the early Christian church. The term "apostolic" is often used to describe the early Christian church, its teachings, and its practices, which are believed to have been established by the apostles themselves. In this sense, "apostolic" implies a direct connection to the original sources of Christian doctrine and tradition. Over time, the term has also been used to describe institutions, practices, or structures that are considered to be in continuity with the apostolic church, such as the Roman Catholic Church's claim to be the one true apostolic church.


connected with the Apostles or their teaching

có liên quan đến các Tông đồ hoặc lời dạy của họ

  • apostolic writings

    các tác phẩm tông đồ

connected with the Pope or Popes, who are considered to have had authority passed down to them from Christ’s Apostles

có liên quan đến Giáo hoàng hoặc các Giáo hoàng, những người được coi là đã có thẩm quyền được truyền lại cho họ từ các Tông đồ của Chúa Kitô

  • The Pope appointed six apostolic administrators.

    Đức Giáo hoàng đã bổ nhiệm sáu giám quản tông tòa.