Definition of salvation


sự cứu rỗi


The word "salvation" originates from the Latin phrase "salvatio," which means "deliverance" or "rescue." This Latin term is derived from "salvus," which means "safe" or "whole." The concept of salvation has its roots in ancient religions, particularly in Christianity, where it refers to the rescue or deliverance of the soul from sin, damnation, or punishment. In Christianity, salvation is often seen as a gift from God, made possible through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. In this context, salvation implies being saved or redeemed from the consequences of sin and achieving eternal life. The word "salvation" has also been used in other contexts, including secular ones, to refer to rescue or escape from difficult situations. Over time, the meaning of the word "salvation" has evolved and expanded to encompass various connotations, but its core essence remains rooted in the idea of deliverance and rescue.


a way of protecting somebody from danger, disaster, loss, etc.

một cách bảo vệ ai đó khỏi nguy hiểm, thảm họa, mất mát, v.v.

  • Group therapy classes have been his salvation.

    Các lớp trị liệu nhóm chính là cứu cánh của anh.

the state of being saved from the power of evil

trạng thái được giải thoát khỏi quyền lực của cái ác

  • to pray for the salvation of the world

    cầu nguyện cho sự cứu rỗi của thế giới

  • The medieval Church believed in salvation through faith and works.

    Giáo hội thời Trung cổ tin vào sự cứu rỗi thông qua đức tin và việc làm.

  • salvation from sin

    sự cứu rỗi khỏi tội lỗi

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