Definition of encroachment


sự xâm phạm


The word "encroachment" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Old French words "en" meaning "in" and "crochem" meaning "to grip" or "to seize". Initially, the term referred to the act of seizing or taking possession of something, often in a forcible or unjust manner. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the gradual occupation of land or territory by someone or something, often without permission or authorization. In modern usage, "encroachment" can refer to a range of situations, such as a owner building a structure that extends beyond their property lines, a natural feature like a river shifting its course, or a person or entity invading someone else's space or jurisdiction. Despite its etymological connotations of force or seizure, the word is often used in a more neutral sense to describe the gradual takeover of an area or resource.


the act of slowly affecting or using up too much of somebody's time, rights, personal life, etc.

hành động dần dần ảnh hưởng hoặc sử dụng quá nhiều thời gian, quyền, cuộc sống cá nhân, v.v. của ai đó.

  • the deadening encroachment of political correctness

    sự xâm lấn chết người của sự chính xác về mặt chính trị

  • the regime’s many encroachments on human rights

    nhiều hành vi xâm phạm nhân quyền của chế độ

the act of slowly covering more and more of an area

hành động từ từ bao phủ ngày càng nhiều diện tích

  • It is increasingly difficult to shield farmland from urban encroachment.

    Ngày càng khó khăn hơn để bảo vệ đất nông nghiệp khỏi sự xâm lấn của đô thị.