Definition of echelon




The word "echelon" originated from the French language, specifically from the French word "échelon," meaning "rung" or "step." In military terminology, an echelon refers to a hierarchical organization of units or troops arranged in a stepped or staggered formation. This configuration allows multiple levels or layers of forces to operate independently and support each other, to achieve a larger strategic objective. The origin of the terminology dates back to the late 18th century when French military strategist and engineer, Gaspard de Prony, first introduced the concept of arranging troops in a stepped formation. However, it was during the Napoleonic Wars that the terms "echelon" and "echelonné" (meaning "staggered") became widely used in military terminology. The concept of echelon formation was particularly crucial during World War II, when it enabled Allied troops to successfully execute complex multi-front campaigns against German forces. The staggered formation allowed for more effective use of forces, improved communication between units, and facilitated the rapid movement of troops and resources. Today, the term "echelon" continues to be used in military strategizing and descriptions, particularly in multi-level hierarchical organization structures. In civilian contexts, such as business and project management, "echelon" may refer to a hierarchy of positions or job levels, each with specific responsibilities and levels of authority.


a rank or position of authority in an organization or a society

một cấp bậc hoặc vị trí quyền lực trong một tổ chức hoặc một xã hội

  • the lower/upper/top/higher echelons of the Civil Service

    các cấp dưới/trên/trên/trên của nền công vụ

Extra examples:
  • Corruption was increasingly a problem within the upper echelons.

    Tham nhũng ngày càng trở thành một vấn đề trong giới thượng lưu.

  • Even the lower echelons of the aristocracy usually owned some land.

    Ngay cả tầng lớp thấp hơn của tầng lớp quý tộc cũng thường sở hữu một số đất đai.

  • Power was concentrated in the higher echelons of the party.

    Quyền lực tập trung ở cấp cao hơn của đảng.

an arrangement of soldiers, planes, etc. in which each one is behind and to the side of the one in front

sự sắp xếp của binh lính, máy bay, v.v... trong đó mỗi người ở phía sau và bên cạnh người ở phía trước