Definition of discord


bất hòa


The word "discord" comes from the Latin words "dis" meaning "apart" or "separate" and "cordia" meaning "heart" or "harmony." In ancient Latin, the word "discordia" was used to describe a lack of harmony or agreement, particularly in the context of music or social relationships. In Middle English, the word "discord" was used to describe a lack of harmony or agreement, particularly in the context of music or social relationships. The word "discord" was derived from the Latin words "dis" and "cordia." Over time, the meaning of "discord" evolved to include any lack of harmony, agreement, or cooperation, particularly in the context of social, political, or personal relationships. It came to describe any lack of harmony, agreement, or cooperation in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of social, political, or personal relationships. Today, "discord" is still used to describe any lack of harmony, agreement, or cooperation, particularly in the context of social, political, or personal relationships. In summary, the word "discord" originated in ancient Latin from the words "dis" and "cordia," which mean "apart" or "separate" and "heart" or "harmony," respectively. Its original meaning described a lack of harmony or agreement in the context of music or social relationships, but its meaning evolved to include any lack of harmony, agreement, or cooperation, particularly in the context of social, political, or personal relationships.


disagreement; arguing

bất đồng ý kiến; tranh luận

  • marital/family discord

    hôn nhân/gia đình bất hòa

  • A note of discord surfaced during the proceedings.

    Một sự bất hòa xuất hiện trong quá trình tố tụng.

  • The contrasts between rich and poor nations are a source of discord.

    Sự tương phản giữa các quốc gia giàu và nghèo là nguồn gốc của sự bất hòa.

Related words and phrases

a combination of musical notes that do not sound pleasant together

sự kết hợp của các nốt nhạc nghe có vẻ không dễ chịu với nhau