Definition of friction


ma sát


The word "friction" derives from the Latin term "friccio" meaning "rubbing" or "scrubbing". This term was first used by the Greek philosopher Strato around 300 BCE to describe the resistance that occurs between two surfaces that are being moved relative to each other. The modern English word "friction" can be traced back to the Middle English "fricke" which meant "roughness" or "irritation". It evolved over time, taking on the current connotation of mathematical principles that describe the force that opposes the movement of two surfaces in close contact. The concept of friction is a fundamental principle in physics and engineering, and it plays a crucial role in the functioning of various machines, such as brakes, pulleys, and gears. Understanding friction is essential in order to optimize systems for efficiency and reduce energy waste. In simple terms, friction is the force that opposes the motion of two surfaces when they are in contact. It arises due to the deformation or adhesion of the two surfaces, and it depends on several factors such as the nature of the surfaces, the force of contact, and the relative velocity between them. If two surfaces are rubbed together repeatedly, friction generates heat, which can be perceived as a sensation known as "friction heat". This heat can cause discomfort, as well as play a role in various mechanical processes, such as metalworking or welding. In summary, the word "friction" has an ancient origin, but its meaning and significance continue to resonate in modern science and technology. Its application in physics and engineering enables humans to understand the mechanics behind the movement of objects and design systems that are more efficient, durable, and safe.


the action of one object or surface moving against another

hành động của một vật thể hoặc bề mặt chuyển động chống lại vật thể khác

  • Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.

    Ma sát giữa các bộ phận chuyển động đã khiến động cơ quá nóng.

the resistance (= the force that stops something moving) of one surface to another surface or substance moving over or through it

lực cản (= lực dừng chuyển động của vật gì đó) của bề mặt này sang bề mặt khác hoặc chất di chuyển qua hoặc xuyên qua nó

  • The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.

    Lực ma sát làm tàu ​​vũ trụ chậm lại khi nó quay trở lại bầu khí quyển trái đất.

  • Rubbing the stones together produces friction.

    Việc cọ xát các hòn đá với nhau sẽ tạo ra ma sát.

a lack of friendship or agreement among people who have different opinions about something

sự thiếu tình bạn hoặc thỏa thuận giữa những người có quan điểm khác nhau về điều gì đó

  • conflicts and frictions that have still to be resolved

    những xung đột và xích mích vẫn chưa được giải quyết

  • friction between neighbours

    xích mích giữa hàng xóm

Extra examples:
  • His decision led to considerable friction in his family.

    Quyết định của anh đã dẫn đến xích mích đáng kể trong gia đình anh.

  • I'm exhausted from the constant friction between my boss and my colleagues.

    Tôi kiệt sức vì xích mích thường xuyên giữa sếp và đồng nghiệp.

  • friction between the two groups

    sự va chạm giữa hai nhóm

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