Definition of rupture




The word "rupture" originates from the Latin word "ruptura", which means "a tearing or bursting apart". This Latin term is derived from "rumpere", meaning "to break" or "to burst", and the suffix "-ura", which forms a noun indicating a result or a condition. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "rupture" emerged, initially referring to a tearing or breaking of something, such as a fabric or a bond. Over time, the term evolved to encompass a range of meanings, including a sudden, violent breaking, a tear or split in a physical structure, and more abstractly, a severing of relationships or a painful emotional distress. Today, the word "rupture" is used in various fields, including medicine, engineering, psychology, and more, to describe a range of concepts, from a physical tear or breakage to emotional or spiritual crises.


an injury in which something inside the body breaks apart or bursts (= explodes)

một vết thương trong đó một cái gì đó bên trong cơ thể bị vỡ hoặc vỡ ra (= phát nổ)

  • the rupture of a blood vessel

    vỡ mạch máu

a situation when something breaks or bursts

một tình huống khi một cái gì đó phá vỡ hoặc vỡ

  • ruptures of oil and water pipelines

    vỡ đường ống dẫn dầu và nước

a hernia of the abdomen

thoát vị bụng

  • I nearly gave myself a rupture lifting that pile of books.

    Tôi gần như vỡ òa khi nâng đống sách đó lên.

the ending of agreement or of good relations between people, countries, etc.

sự kết thúc của thỏa thuận hoặc mối quan hệ tốt đẹp giữa con người, quốc gia, v.v.

  • a rupture in relations between the two countries

    sự rạn nứt trong quan hệ giữa hai nước

  • Nothing could heal the rupture with his father.

    Không gì có thể hàn gắn được mối rạn nứt với cha anh.

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