Definition of digestible


có thể tiêu hóa được


The word "digestible" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "digestus" means " digested" or "masticated", which refers to the act of breaking down food into smaller particles by mastication (chewing) or digestion (the process by which the body breaks down nutrients in food). The Latin word "digestus" is derived from the verb "digere", which means "to gather" or "to collect", and "gerere", which means "to carry" or "to bear". The compound verb "indigere" means "to digest" or "to break down". The English word "digestible" was later derived from the Latin "digestus" and entered the English language in the 15th century. Today, "digestible" refers to food or substances that can be easily broken down and absorbed by the body, making them easily usable by the body for energy and nutrition.


easy to digest

Dễ tiêu hóa

  • We're giving him easily digestible food to build up his strength.

    Chúng tôi đang cho anh ấy ăn thức ăn dễ tiêu hóa để tăng cường sức mạnh.

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easy to understand

dễ hiểu

  • Present your results in digestible chunks.

    Trình bày kết quả của bạn theo từng phần dễ tiêu hóa.

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