Definition of diffuser


bộ khuếch tán


The word "diffuser" has a fascinating origin! It dates back to the 14th century, derived from the Old French word "diffuser," meaning "to scatter" or "to spread." This term was borrowed from the Latin "diffundere," which also conveys the idea of spreading or dispersing something, such as light or heat. Initially, the term was used to describe the act of making something spread or disperse, like the diffusion of liquids or gases. In the 17th century, the term took on a more specific meaning in chemistry, referring to a device that disperses or spreads a substance, such as air, gas, or a fragrance, evenly throughout a space. Today, the word "diffuser" is commonly used in various contexts, including aromatherapy, lighting, and even computer science.


a device used in photography to avoid dark shadows or areas that are too bright

một thiết bị dùng trong nhiếp ảnh để tránh vùng tối hoặc vùng quá sáng

a part that is attached to a piece of equipment (for example a hairdryer) to make air flow more slowly and over a wider area

một bộ phận được gắn vào một thiết bị (ví dụ như máy sấy tóc) để làm cho luồng không khí chậm hơn và trên một diện tích rộng hơn