Definition of devoutly


một cách sùng đạo


The word "devoutly" has its roots in Old French and is derived from the phrase "devot" meaning "devoted" or "dedicated". This Old French word is believed to have originated from the Latin "devotus", which means "devoted" or "given over". In Latin, "devotus" was used to describe someone who had consecrated themselves to a particular deity or cult. Over time, the Old French "devot" evolved into the Middle English "devoute", which eventually became the modern English word "devoutly". Today, "devoutly" is used to describe someone who is deeply dedicated or committed to a particular cause, practice, or belief. For example, one might say "She devoted herself to the conservation of endangered species" or "He prayed devoutly every night".


in a way that has or shows strong belief in a particular religion, obeying its laws and practices

theo cách có hoặc thể hiện niềm tin mạnh mẽ vào một tôn giáo cụ thể, tuân thủ luật lệ và tập tục của tôn giáo đó

  • a devoutly Catholic region

    một vùng Công giáo ngoan đạo

very strongly

rất mạnh mẽ

  • She devoutly hoped he was telling the truth.

    Cô thực sự hy vọng anh ấy nói sự thật.