Definition of religiously


tôn giáo


The word "religiously" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "religiosus" means "pious, devout, or godly" and is derived from "religare," which means "to bind" or "to tie." In the 14th century, the adjective "religiously" emerged in Middle English, originally meaning "in a pious or devout manner." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved to convey a sense of strict adherence or devotion to a belief or practice, often to the extent of being unwavering or fanatic. Today, "religiously" can be used to describe someone who zealously follows a particular creed, observe religious rituals, or assumes a pious attitude towards their faith.


very carefully or regularly

rất cẩn thận hoặc thường xuyên

  • She followed the instructions religiously.

    Cô ấy đã làm theo hướng dẫn một cách nghiêm ngặt.

  • They go to Greece religiously every year.

    Họ đi Hy Lạp theo nghi lễ tôn giáo hàng năm.

in a way that is connected with religion

theo cách liên quan đến tôn giáo

  • Were you brought up religiously?

    Bạn có được nuôi dạy theo tôn giáo không?