Definition of developmental


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The word "developmental" has its roots in the 15th century, derived from the Latin words "developare" and "de-" meaning "to unfold" or "to expand". In its earliest sense, the term referred to the process of unfolding or expanding something, such as a flower or a scroll. In the 17th century, the term took on a more formal sense, referring to the process of developing or refining a concept, idea, or skill. This sense of the word is still prevalent today in fields such as psychology, education, and economics, where developmental refers to the process of growth, improvement, or maturation. In the 20th century, the term gained popularity in the field of biology, particularly in the study of embryonic development, where it refers to the process of growth and formation of organs and tissues. Today, the concept of developmental is widely applied across various disciplines, from social sciences to biotechnology.


in a state of developing or being developed

trong trạng thái đang phát triển hoặc đang được phát triển

  • The product is still at a developmental stage.

    Sản phẩm vẫn đang trong giai đoạn phát triển.

connected with the development of somebody/something

liên quan đến sự phát triển của ai đó/cái gì đó

  • developmental psychology

    tâm lý phát triển