Definition of culturally


về mặt văn hóa


The word "culturally" has its roots in the Latin phrase "cultura," which means "growth" or "cultivation." In the 14th century, the Latin phrase was incorporated into Middle English as "cultour," meaning "a bringing up" or "a breeding." Over time, the spelling evolved to "culture" and referred to the "growth" of a person or society. By the 17th century, the term "culture" began to take on a broader connotation, encompassing not only the growth of individuals and societies but also the collective practices, values, and beliefs that define these groups. The suffix "-ally" was added to "culture" to form "culturally," which means "in a manner characteristic of a particular culture or cult." Today, "culturally" is used to describe aspects of one's upbringing, identity, or heritage that shape one's values, beliefs, and actions.


in a way that is connected with the culture of particular societies or groups, their customs, beliefs, etc.

theo cách liên quan đến văn hóa của các xã hội hoặc nhóm cụ thể, phong tục, tín ngưỡng, v.v. của họ.

  • a culturally diverse population

    một dân số đa dạng về văn hóa

  • culturally appropriate/sensitive

    phù hợp về mặt văn hóa/nhạy cảm

in a way that is connected with art, literature, music, etc.

theo cách liên quan đến nghệ thuật, văn học, âm nhạc, v.v.

  • culturally enriching experiences

    những trải nghiệm làm giàu văn hóa