Definition of cultivator


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The word "cultivator" has its roots in the Latin language. The Latin word "cultivare" means "to till" or "to cultivate," and it's derived from "cultus," meaning "cultivation" or "culture." The Latin word "cultivare" is also related to "colere," which means "to dwell" or "to reside." In English, the word "cultivator" was first used in the 14th century to describe someone who tills or cultivates the land. Over time, the term came to refer specifically to a machine used for plowing or tilling soil. Today, the word "cultivator" is used in various fields, including agriculture, horticulture, and even social sciences, to describe the process of developing or nurturing something. Despite its modern applications, the word "cultivator" retains its ancient roots, reminding us of the importance of nurturing and cultivating the land, and by extension, the people and cultures that depend on it.


a person who cultivates (= grows crops on) the land

một người canh tác (= trồng trọt trên) đất

a machine for breaking up soil and destroying weeds (= plants growing where they are not wanted)

một cỗ máy để phá vỡ đất và tiêu diệt cỏ dại (= cây trồng ở nơi không mong muốn)