Definition of irrigation


tưới tiêu


The word "irrigation" has its roots in the Latin word " irrigare," meaning "to water" or "to make wet." This Latin verb is derived from "ir- " (meaning "in" or "into") and "rigare" (meaning "to stretch" or "to flow"). The Latin word was used to describe the process of watering or supplying water to crops or plants, and it has been borrowed into various languages, including English. In English, the word "irrigation" was first used in the 15th century to refer to the artificial application of water to land for the purpose of supporting crop growth. Over time, the term has come to encompass a wide range of techniques and methods for managing water for agricultural, recreational, and environmental purposes. Today, the word "irrigation" is an essential part of modern agriculture and natural resource management.


the practice of supplying water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow

thực hành cung cấp nước cho một khu vực đất thông qua đường ống hoặc kênh để cây trồng phát triển

  • irrigation channels

    kênh tưới tiêu

  • Irrigation has increased the area of cultivable land.

    Thủy lợi đã làm tăng diện tích đất canh tác.

the process of washing out a wound or part of the body with a flow of water or liquid

quá trình rửa vết thương hoặc một phần cơ thể bằng dòng nước hoặc chất lỏng

  • colonic irrigation

    rửa ruột kết