Definition of criminalize


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The word "criminalize" has its roots in the 15th century. It comes from the Latin "communis," meaning "common" or "public," and "лат," meaning "law." Initially, the verb "criminalize" meant to make something common or public in a legal sense, such as declaring a crime or making it a public offense. Over time, the word evolved to take on a stronger meaning, specifically referring to the act of declaring something a crime or making it punishable by law. This shift likely occurred with the growth of criminal law and the rise of modern penal systems. Today, "criminalize" is commonly used in contexts such as politics, sociology, and journalism to describe the process of outlawing certain behaviors, labeling individuals or groups as criminal, or redefining the boundaries of what constitutes a crime.


to make something illegal by passing a new law

làm cho cái gì đó trở nên bất hợp pháp bằng cách thông qua một luật mới

  • The use of opium was not criminalized until fairly recently.

    Cho đến tận gần đây, việc sử dụng thuốc phiện mới bị coi là phạm pháp.

to make somebody a criminal by making their activities illegal

biến ai đó thành tội phạm bằng cách làm cho các hoạt động của họ trở nên bất hợp pháp

  • The law criminalized parents who took their children out of school to go on holiday.

    Luật này quy định những bậc cha mẹ cho con nghỉ học để đi nghỉ là phạm tội.