Definition of creator


người sáng tạo


The word "creator" originates from the Latin word "creare," which means "to bring into existence" or "to make." The term has been used to describe a being or entity responsible for creating something, whether it be a universe, a world, or a work of art. In religious contexts, the word "creator" is often used to describe a supreme being that brought the universe or a particular world into existence. For example, in many Christian traditions, God is referred to as the Creator or the Creator God. The term has also been used in scientific contexts to describe an entity or force that brings something into being. For example, in the context of cosmology, the term "creator" is sometimes used to describe a hypothetical entity or force that brought the universe into existence. Overall, the word "creator" has been used to describe a wide range of entities or forces that bring something into existence, from religious to scientific contexts.


a person who has made or invented a particular thing

một người đã thực hiện hoặc phát minh ra một điều cụ thể

  • Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse

    Walt Disney, cha đẻ của chuột Mickey

