Definition of chilly


se se lạnh


The word "chilly" traces its roots back to the Old English word "cēol," meaning "cold." Over time, "cēol" evolved into "chille," a word for a shivering sensation. By the 16th century, "chille" had morphed into "chilly," initially referring to a person feeling cold. The word expanded to describe anything producing a cold sensation, including weather and food. "Chilly" embodies the feeling of being cold, a legacy directly inherited from its ancient origins.


too cold to be comfortable

quá lạnh để có thể thoải mái

  • It's chilly today.

    Hôm nay trời lạnh.

  • I was feeling chilly.

    Tôi cảm thấy ớn lạnh.

Extra examples:
  • She was beginning to feel chilly.

    Cô bắt đầu cảm thấy ớn lạnh.

  • We were starting to get a bit chilly.

    Chúng tôi bắt đầu thấy hơi lạnh.

  • Bring a coat. It might turn chilly later.

    Mang theo một chiếc áo khoác. Nó có thể trở nên lạnh sau đó.

  • She was made to wait in the chilly corridor.

    Cô bị bắt phải đợi ở hành lang lạnh lẽo.

  • The room was uncomfortably chilly.

    Căn phòng lạnh lẽo đến khó chịu.

not friendly

không thân thiện

  • The visitors got a chilly reception.

    Những vị khách được đón tiếp lạnh lùng.

Extra examples:
  • “I'm sorry,” said her sister in a chilly voice.

    “Tôi xin lỗi,” em gái cô nói với giọng lạnh lùng.

  • They met with a chilly reception from my mother.

    Họ gặp nhau với sự đón tiếp lạnh lùng của mẹ tôi.