Definition of brisk


nhanh chóng


The word "brisk" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 15th century from the Old Norse word "braskr," which means "to turn" or "to twist." This Old Norse word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*braskiz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "briskly." In the 15th century, "brisk" initially meant "to twist or bend" or "to move quickly." Over time, its meaning expanded to describe something that is sharp, rough, or severe. For example, a "brisk wind" might blow sharply and strongly. By the 17th century, "brisk" began to mean "lively" or "vigorous," as in a "brisk walk" that was taken quickly and energetically. Today, "brisk" typically describes something that is done or happens with energy, vigor, and enthusiasm, such as a "brisk conversation" or a "brisk pace."


quick; busy

nhanh; bận

  • a brisk walk

    một cuộc đi bộ nhanh

  • to set off at a brisk pace

    khởi hành với tốc độ nhanh

  • Ice-cream vendors were doing a brisk trade (= selling a lot of ice cream).

    Các nhà cung cấp kem đang buôn bán nhanh chóng (= bán rất nhiều kem).

  • We went for a brisk walk before lunch.

    Chúng tôi đi dạo nhanh trước bữa trưa.

practical and confident; showing a desire to get things done quickly

thực tế và tự tin; thể hiện mong muốn hoàn thành công việc một cách nhanh chóng

  • His tone became brisk and businesslike.

    Giọng điệu của anh trở nên nhanh nhẹn và có tính kinh doanh.

cold but pleasantly fresh

lạnh nhưng tươi dễ chịu

  • a brisk wind/breeze

    một cơn gió/gió thổi mạnh