Definition of cheapness


sự rẻ tiền


The word "cheapness" has a fascinating etymology. It dates back to the 14th century, derived from the Old English word "ceap," which means "to buy" or "to purchase." This is related to the Proto-Germanic word "kabiz," which is also the source of the Modern English word "cheap" itself. In the 14th century, "cheapness" initially referred to the quality of being easily bought or obtainable at a low cost. Over time, the meaning shifted to describe the state of being inexpensive or having little value. By the 17th century, the term began to take on a negative connotation, implying something was worthless, inferior, or lacking in quality due to its low price. Today, "cheapness" is often used to describe products or services that are affordable but may lack in quality or durability, while also implying a sense of inadequacy or shoddy workmanship.


the fact of costing little money or less money than you expected

thực tế là tốn ít tiền hoặc ít tiền hơn bạn mong đợi

  • the relative cheapness of modern computers

    sự tương đối rẻ của máy tính hiện đại

the fact of being low in price and quality

thực tế là giá cả và chất lượng thấp

  • The show is spoiled by the cheapness of the production.

    Chương trình bị hỏng vì sự rẻ tiền trong khâu sản xuất.

the fact of having little value

thực tế là có ít giá trị

  • the apparent cheapness of human life in ancient times

    sự rẻ mạt rõ ràng của mạng sống con người trong thời cổ đại