Definition of frugality


thanh đạm


"Frugality" traces its roots back to the Latin word "fructus," meaning "fruit," and ultimately to the Proto-Indo-European root "*bʰrewg-," meaning "to enjoy, to use." This connection highlights the original sense of "frugality" as being careful and resourceful, making the most of what one has, like gathering and enjoying fruit from a tree. The word transitioned into "frugal" in the 14th century, describing a person who was "thrifty" or "economical." "Frugality" itself appeared in the 16th century, solidifying its meaning as the practice of being economical and avoiding waste.


a way of living in which you use only as much money or food as is necessary

một cách sống mà bạn chỉ sử dụng nhiều tiền hoặc thực phẩm khi cần thiết

  • She taught me simplicity and frugality.

    Cô dạy tôi sự đơn giản và tiết kiệm.

Related words and phrases

the fact of a meal being small and plain and not costing very much

thực tế là một bữa ăn nhỏ, đơn giản và không tốn nhiều tiền

  • the frugality of the meal

    sự tiết kiệm của bữa ăn