Definition of celibacy


sự độc thân


The word "celibacy" originates from the Latin word "caelebs," which means "unmarried" or "unchaste." This Latin term is derived from "caelum," meaning "heaven" or "sky," and the suffix "-bem," which is a nominalizing suffix. In Latin, "caelebs" was used to describe someone who was unmarried, particularly a man who had not taken a wife. Over time, the meaning of the word gradually shifted to emphasize sexual abstinence rather than simply being unmarried. In the Middle English period, the word "celibacy" emerged, initially referring to a state of being unmarried, but eventually taking on its modern connotation of abstaining from sexual intercourse. Today, "celibacy" is used to describe a person's voluntary choice to refrain from sexual activity, often for religious or philosophical reasons.


the state of not being married and never having sex, especially for religious reasons

tình trạng không kết hôn và không bao giờ quan hệ tình dục, đặc biệt là vì lý do tôn giáo

  • a vow of celibacy

    lời thề độc thân

the fact of not having sex for a certain period

thực tế là không quan hệ tình dục trong một khoảng thời gian nhất định

  • I was practising celibacy at the time.

    Vào thời điểm đó, tôi đang sống độc thân.