Definition of fidelity


sự trung thành


The word "fidelity" originates from the Latin word "fidelis," which means "faithful" or "loyal." In the 15th century, the term referred to the quality of being faithful or loyal to someone or something, such as a commitment to a duty, a promise, or a person. The concept of fidelity has since been applied to various contexts, including: 1. Music: Fidelity refers to the accuracy and quality of sound reproduction, often measured by frequency response, loudness, and distortion. 2. Banking: Fidelity describes a bank's commitment to safeguarding and managing clients' financial assets with integrity and trust. 3. Broadcasting: Fidelity denotes the faithfulness of a radio or television signal to the original source, ensuring clear and accurate transmission. 4. Ethics: Fidelity represents a moral commitment to honesty, integrity, and loyalty, often in professional or personal relationships. Throughout history, the concept of fidelity has remained rooted in the idea of faithful adherence to a principle, commitment, or promise.


the quality of being loyal to somebody/something

chất lượng của việc trung thành với ai đó/cái gì đó

  • fidelity to your principles

    trung thành với nguyên tắc của bạn

Extra examples:
  • They still maintain fidelity to their religious tradition.

    Họ vẫn giữ lòng trung thành với truyền thống tôn giáo của mình.

  • They swore an oath of fidelity to their king.

    Họ đã tuyên thệ trung thành với nhà vua của họ.

the quality of being faithful to your husband, wife or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else

phẩm chất chung thủy với chồng, vợ hoặc bạn tình của bạn bằng cách không quan hệ tình dục với bất kỳ ai khác

  • marital/sexual fidelity

    sự chung thủy trong hôn nhân/tình dục

Related words and phrases

the quality of being accurate

chất lượng của sự chính xác

  • the fidelity of the translation to the original text

    độ trung thực của bản dịch so với văn bản gốc

  • The story is told with great fidelity to the original.

    Câu chuyện được kể rất trung thực với nguyên tác.

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