Definition of barbarous


man rợ


The word "barbarous" originates from ancient Greece and Rome. In both cultures, "barbarous" was used to describe a person who speaks a language that is unintelligible or foreign. The term was often used to label non-Greek or non-Roman speakers as uncivilized or savage. The Greek word "barbaros" (βαρβαρός) was derived from the sound of non-Greek languages, as the Greek people believed that the sounds made by these languages sounded like "bar-bar-bar" to their ears. Over time, the connotations of the word "barbarous" expanded to describe not just language, but also customs, behavior, and culture. In modern English, "barbarous" typically carries a negative sense, implying cruelty, violence, and a lack of civilization. Despite its origins, the word "barbarous" is no longer used to describe specific languages, but rather to describe actions or behaviors that are considered uncivilized or brutal.


extremely cruel and making you feel shocked

cực kỳ tàn nhẫn và khiến bạn cảm thấy sốc

  • the barbarous treatment of these prisoners of war

    sự đối xử dã man với những tù nhân chiến tranh này

showing a lack of education and good manners

cho thấy sự thiếu giáo dục và cách cư xử tốt