Definition of barbaric


dã man


The word "barbaric" originates from ancient Greece and Rome. During this time, the term "barbaros" (βαρβαρος) was used to describe anyone who did not speak Greek or Latin. The word is derived from the sound "bar-bar-bar," which was believed to be the unintelligible speech of non-Greek speakers. In ancient Greece, the term "barbaros" was used to describe Persians and other foreign peoples who did not speak Greek. The word was often used in a derogatory sense to imply that someone was uncivilized or savage. This connotation was later adopted in Latin as "barbarus." Over time, the meaning of the word "barbaric" has evolved to describe something that is savage, brutal, or uncivilized, rather than simply referring to non-Greek speakers. Despite this evolution, the origins of the word remain rooted in ancient Greece's perception of its cultural superiority over other civilizations.


cruel and violent and not as expected from people who are educated and respect each other

tàn nhẫn và bạo lực và không như mong đợi từ những người được giáo dục và tôn trọng lẫn nhau

  • a barbaric act/custom/ritual

    một hành động/tục lệ/nghi lễ dã man

  • The way these animals are killed is barbaric.

    Cách thức giết hại những con vật này thật dã man.

  • It was described as a particularly barbaric act.

    Nó được mô tả là một hành động đặc biệt dã man.

connected with barbarians

kết nối với những kẻ man rợ