Definition of inhospitable


không hiếu khách


The origin of the word "inhospitable" can be traced back to the 14th century. The term is derived from the Middle English word "hospitall," which carries the meaning of "hospitality." Inhospitable, therefore, means lacking in hospitality or unwilling to offer entertainment, accommodation, or kindness to guests. The word "inhospitable" is a compound word formed by combining two Latin words: "in-" and "hospes." "In-" is a prefix meaning "not," "un-," or "without," while "hospes" means "guest" or "host" in Latin. So, "inhospes" signified an ungracious or unkind host, someone who does not welcome guests or offer hospitality. In Middle English, the word was spelled "inhospitall," and over time, it evolved into the current form, "inhospitable." The term has been used in English literature since the 16th century and continues to be a common part of the English vocabulary today.


difficult to stay or live in, especially because there is no shelter from the weather

khó ở hoặc sinh sống, đặc biệt là vì không có nơi trú ẩn khỏi thời tiết

  • inhospitable terrain

    địa hình khắc nghiệt

  • an inhospitable climate

    khí hậu khắc nghiệt

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not giving a friendly or polite welcome to guests

không chào đón khách một cách thân thiện hoặc lịch sự

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