Definition of asymmetry


sự bất đối xứng


The word "asymmetry" has a rich history. It originates from the Latin words "a-" meaning "not" or "without", and "symmetria", which means "measurement" or "arrangement". In the 17th century, the term "asymmetry" was coined to describe objects or shapes that lacked symmetry, or had elements that were not reflected or balanced. The concept of symmetry dates back to ancient Greece, where it was used in mathematics and art to describe balance and harmony. However, the idea of asymmetry, or the absence of symmetry, was not really explored until the 17th and 18th centuries, when artists and scientists began to experiment with unconventional forms and designs. Today, the term "asymmetry" is used in various fields, including art, architecture, science, and physics, to describe the lack of balance or symmetry in shapes, structures, and processes.


the quality of having two sides or parts that are not the same in size or shape; something that creates this quality

chất lượng có hai mặt hoặc hai phần không giống nhau về kích thước hoặc hình dạng; thứ gì đó tạo ra chất lượng này

  • the use of asymmetry in photography

    việc sử dụng sự bất đối xứng trong nhiếp ảnh

  • structural asymmetries in the body

    sự bất đối xứng về cấu trúc trong cơ thể

Related words and phrases

the situation of not being equal or the same; something that causes this situation

tình trạng không bằng nhau hoặc không giống nhau; điều gì đó gây ra tình trạng này

  • the power asymmetry between the two countries

    sự bất cân xứng quyền lực giữa hai nước