Definition of symmetry


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The word "symmetry" originates from the Greek word "symmetrion," which can be roughly translated to "proportionality" or "agreement of parts." The ancient Greeks believed that natural phenomena had a certain harmony and balance that could be seen in the way objects were arranged or shaped. The term "symmetry," which combines the prefix "syn-" meaning "together" and "metrion" meaning "measure," was first introduced by the mathematician-philosopher Pythagoras around the 6th century BC. He used it to describe the harmony and proportion in geometric shapes such as circles and squares. The concept of symmetry also played a significant role in ancient Greek culture and aesthetics. For example, the architects of the Parthenon in Athens used mathematical principles and symmetrical designs to create a stunning example of classical Greek architecture. Over time, the use of the word "symmetry" has expanded beyond its original mathematical context to include other areas, such as biology, physics, and art. In these disciplines, symmetry can refer to the repeated patterns or arrangements found in natural or man-made objects. Overall, the word "symmetry" reflects the ancient Greek belief that the world is composed of harmonious and proportional elements, which can be seen in various aspects of life and culture.


the exact match in size and shape between two halves, parts or sides of something

sự phù hợp chính xác về kích thước và hình dạng giữa hai nửa, bộ phận hoặc mặt của một cái gì đó

  • the perfect symmetry of the garden design

    sự đối xứng hoàn hảo của thiết kế sân vườn

  • The trees break the symmetry of the painting.

    Cây cối phá vỡ tính đối xứng của bức tranh.

the quality of being very similar or equal

chất lượng rất giống nhau hoặc bằng nhau

  • the increasing symmetry between men’s and women’s jobs

    sự đối xứng ngày càng tăng giữa công việc của nam giới và phụ nữ

  • the symmetry between different forces

    sự đối xứng giữa các lực khác nhau

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