Definition of geometry


hình học


The word "geometry" comes from the Greek words "ge" meaning "earth" and "metry" meaning "measurement". In ancient Greece, geometry was considered the study of the measurement of the earth and the measurement of the properties of shapes that could be used to build structures on the earth. The word "geometry" was first used by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Euclid in his famous book "Elements", which is one of the most influential works in the field of mathematics. In the book, Euclid defines geometry as "the branch of mathematics which deals with the measurement of the earth and the properties of the figures that are inscribed upon it". He also defines the term "geometria" as "a treatise on the art of measuring the earth and the shapes that are made on it". The use of the word "geometry" to describe the study of shapes and their properties has been passed down through the centuries and is still used today.


the branch of mathematics that deals with the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids

ngành toán học liên quan đến các phép đo và mối quan hệ giữa các đường thẳng, góc, bề mặt và khối rắn

  • Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.

    Hình học thiêng liêng thời tiền Kitô giáo đã được đưa vào kiến ​​trúc nhà thờ.

the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, etc. in a particular object or shape

các phép đo và mối quan hệ của các đường thẳng, góc, v.v. trong một vật thể hoặc hình dạng cụ thể

  • the geometry of a spider’s web

    hình học của mạng nhện

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