Definition of apotheosis




The word "apotheosis" originates from the Greek words "apo" meaning "from" and "theos" meaning "god". In ancient Greek mythology, apotheosis referred to the deification of a mortal person, elevating them to the status of a god or goddess. This concept was often depicted in art and literature, where a mortal would be transformed into a divine being. For example, Alexander the Great was often depicted as Zeus, the king of the gods, after his death. In modern usage, apotheosis refers to the act of elevating someone or something to a position of great reverence, admiration, or even divinity. It can also describe the peak of something's development or the ultimate expression of an idea or concept. For instance, "The apotheosis of the space program came with the first manned mission to Mars."


the highest or most perfect development of something

sự phát triển cao nhất hoặc hoàn hảo nhất của một cái gì đó

the best time in somebody’s life or career

thời gian tốt nhất trong cuộc đời hoặc sự nghiệp của ai đó

a formal statement that a person has become a god

một tuyên bố chính thức rằng một người đã trở thành một vị thần

  • the apotheosis of a Roman emperor

    sự thờ phượng của một hoàng đế La Mã