Definition of abdicate


từ chức


The word "abdicate" has its roots in the Latin language. It comes from the verb "abdicare," which means "to set aside" or "to renounce." This Latin verb is a combination of "ab," meaning "away" or "from," and "dicare," meaning "to declare" or "to pronounce." In the context of royalty, the word "abdicate" originally referred to the act of officially disclaiming or relinquishing a throne, kingdom, or empire. This meant that the ruler was giving up their rightful claim to the position and often transferring power to a successor. Over time, the meaning of "abdicate" has expanded to include any situation where someone renounces a position, title, or responsibility.


to give up the position of being king, queen or emperor

từ bỏ vị trí vua, hoàng hậu hoặc hoàng đế

  • He abdicated in favour of his son.

    Ông thoái vị để ủng hộ con trai mình.

  • She was forced to abdicate the throne of Spain.

    Cô bị buộc phải thoái vị ngai vàng của Tây Ban Nha.

to fail or refuse to perform a duty

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