Definition of divest


thoái vốn


The word "divest" has its roots in Latin and Old French. The Latin word "divestire" means "to strip off" or "to deprive," and it is derived from "dis-" (meaning "apart" or "away") and "vestire" (meaning "to clothe" or "to attire"). In the 14th century, the Old French language adopted the Latin word and modified it to "desvestir," which means "to disrobe" or "to undress." From there, the word "divest" entered Middle English as "divesten," meaning "to strip off" or "to deprive of." Today, the word "divest" is used in various contexts, including business and finance, to refer to the process of disposing of or selling off assets, investments, or holdings.


to remove clothes

cởi bỏ quần áo

  • He divested himself of his jacket.

    Anh tự cởi áo khoác ra.

to get rid of something

bỏ một thứ gì đó

  • The company is divesting itself of some of its assets.

    Công ty đang thoái vốn khỏi một số tài sản của mình.

to take something away from somebody/something

lấy đi cái gì của ai/cái gì

  • After her illness she was divested of much of her responsibility.

    Sau khi bị bệnh, cô ấy đã bị tước bỏ phần lớn trách nhiệm của mình.