Định nghĩa của từ fearmongering


gây sợ hãi


Ví dụ:
  • The political advertisements accused the candidate of using fearmongering tactics to sway voters with exaggerated claims and inflammatory language.
  • The news article called out the media for resorting to fearmongering in its coverage of the health crisis, painting a false sense of panic in the audience.
  • The organization's fundraising campaign was accused of using fearmongering to scare donors into making contributions, using graphic images and scare tactics to elicit their emotions.
  • The chairman of the committee warned against using fearmongering as a strategy to win votes, stating that it undermines the truth and perpetuates misinformation.
  • The opposition party accused the government of using fearmongering to distract the public from their failings and weaknesses, strategically painting a rosy picture to mask their shortcomings.
  • The healthcare officials urged the media to avoid fearmongering when discussing pandemic spread, as it could hamper essential work, such as contact tracing, and promote misinformation.
  • The campaigners protested against the use of fearmongering by certain vaccine manufacturers, arguing that it created a false opposition to vaccines and undermined trust in the public.
  • The school board called for an end to fearmongering in school safety debates, as it perpetuates anxiety and fear among the students and staff rather than solving the issue.
  • The consumer advocacy group urged the supermarkets to avoid fearmongering in their labelling, as it could lead to unfounded panic and food waste while achieving nothing in terms of consumer safety.
  • The city council suggested that the authorities avoid fearmongering while discussing traffic congestion, as it stokes emotions and avoids addressing underlying causes, thereby failing to solve the problem.