Definition of whiny


rên rỉ


The word "whiny" is believed to have originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. It likely evolved from the sound of a whine, which is a high-pitched, nasal sound often used to express irritation, discontent, or complaint. One possible etymological path is from the Old English word "hwōn", which meant "to whine" or "to moan". This word was later adapted into Middle English as "whinen", meaning "to cry out", and eventually evolved into the modern English word "whine". The adjectival form "whiny" likely developed as a way to describe someone who produces or exhibits such whining sounds, often in a supposedly annoying or off-putting manner. Today, the word "whiny" is often used to describe someone who consistently complains or makes excessive noise, often in a high-pitched or nasal tone.


a whiny voice is high, complaining and unpleasant to listen to

giọng nói rên rỉ cao, phàn nàn và khó nghe

  • a whiny voice/tone

    giọng nói/giọng điệu rên rỉ

a whiny person complains a lot in an annoying, crying voice

một người hay than vãn thường phàn nàn rất nhiều bằng giọng nói khó chịu, khóc lóc

  • a whiny kid/brat

    một đứa trẻ hay khóc nhè/nhóc con