Definition of vista




The word "vista" originated in Spanish, where it means "view" or "outlook." The word can be traced back to the Latin word "vitare," which means "to avoid" or "to see." In Spanish, the word "vista" evolved from the Latin root in the 12th century. It was initially used to refer to a legal document that granted someone the rights to use a specific piece of land, with the caveat that the view from the property remained unobstructed. This use of the word can still be seen in modern Spanish, where "vista" is sometimes used to describe a business permit, such as a restaurant permit with a view condition. The meaning of the word evolved over time, and by the 17th century, "vista" referred to any attractive or scenic view. It was used in both literary and artistic contexts, as a synonym for "panorama" or "landscape." The word "vista" was introduced into English in the late 19th century as a result of the growing popularity of Spanish and its culture in Europe. Initially, "vista" was used to describe scenic views in travel writing and foreign reporting, such as "the vista from the mountaintop was breathtaking." It soon became a popular term in architecture, especially in the context of loft conversions and modern minimalist design, where "vista" was used to describe a new view created as a result of a renovation. In modern use, "vista" is often used in place of "view" or "outlook," especially in business and technology contexts, where the two words are often interchangeable. The term has also become popular in the context of virtual reality and immersive experiences, where "vista" is often used to describe a 360-degree view using a VR headset or equivalent technology.


a beautiful view, for example, of the countryside, a city, etc.

một khung cảnh đẹp, ví dụ, của vùng nông thôn, thành phố, v.v.

  • She turned her gaze towards the soothing vista of river and fields.

    Cô hướng ánh mắt về phía khung cảnh êm đềm của dòng sông và cánh đồng.

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a range of things that might happen in the future

một loạt những điều có thể xảy ra trong tương lai

  • This new job could open up whole new vistas for her.

    Công việc mới này có thể mở ra những triển vọng hoàn toàn mới cho cô ấy.

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