Definition of panorama


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The origin of the word "panorama" can be traced back to the early 19th century when a painter named John Robert Panchal opened the first company to create large-scale, 360-degree paintings. The word "panorama" arrived from combining two Greek words, "pan," meaning all or everything, and "horam," meaning sight or view. The painting technique revolutionized the way art was experienced, as it allowed viewers to feel as if they were in the midst of a scene, rather than just looking at it from a distance. The popularity of panoramic paintings led to the creation of panoramic rooms, which were large cylindrical structures that would house the paintings, providing an immersive experience for viewers as they walked around the circumference of the room. The term "panorama" has since expanded to describe any type of all-encompassing view, such as a panoramic photograph or video. Overall, the combination of "pan" and "horam" succinctly describes the essence of a panorama: a sight that offers a comprehensive view of all that is within the horizon.


a view of a wide area of land

nhìn ra một vùng đất rộng

  • There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel.

    Có một bức tranh toàn cảnh tuyệt vời của những ngọn núi từ khách sạn.

  • The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague.

    Tòa tháp mang đến một bức tranh toàn cảnh ngoạn mục của Praha.

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a description, study or set of pictures that presents all the different aspects or stages of a particular subject, event, etc.

mô tả, nghiên cứu hoặc tập hợp hình ảnh trình bày tất cả các khía cạnh hoặc giai đoạn khác nhau của một chủ đề, sự kiện cụ thể, v.v.

  • a panorama of rural life since the Middle Ages

    Bức tranh toàn cảnh về cuộc sống nông thôn từ thời Trung Cổ

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