Definition of venomous


Nọc độc


The word "venomous" originated in the late 16th century from the Old French "veneneux" and the Latin "venenosus," which literally meant "full of poison" or "poisonous." Initially, the term referred to any substance that had a toxic effect on the body, such as poisonous food or drinks. However, eventually, it came to be specifically associated with certain types of animals, such as snakes, spiders, and insects, that secreted venom through their bites or stings. The exact origin of the term "venom" itself is uncertain, but it is believed to have derived from the Old English "fnāwan," which meant "to poison." The term "venomous" thus refers to animals that produce venom, which they use to defend themselves or to paralyze and kill their prey. Today, "venomous" is a widely recognized scientific and colloquial term that serves as a warning to humans to avoid these dangerous animals and to take precautions when they encounter them. However, some scientists have also suggested that the fear and stigma associated with the term "venomous" have led to a misunderstanding of these animals and their significance in ecosystems, and that a more accurate and nuanced term, such as "venomous and beneficial," may be more appropriate.


producing venom

sản xuất nọc độc

  • a highly venomous snake

    một con rắn cực độc

full of bitter feelings or hate

đầy cảm giác cay đắng hoặc ghét

  • a venomous look

    một cái nhìn độc ác

  • a venomous attack on his political enemies

    một cuộc tấn công độc ác vào kẻ thù chính trị của mình