Definition of corrosive


ăn mòn


The word "corrosive" originates from the Latin word "corrodere," which means "to gnaw" or "to eat away." This Latin verb is derived from "cor," meaning "heart" or "center," and "rodere," meaning "to gnaw." In ancient times, people used the word to describe the action of gnawing or devouring something, such as a pest gnawing on a piece of wood. As chemistry developed, the term "corrosive" was adopted to describe substances that had a chemical reaction that "ate away" or dissolved a material, such as metal or stone. In modern times, the word "corrosive" is commonly used to describe any substance that can cause damage or deterioration, not just chemical substances. Throughout its history, the word "corrosive" has retained its original meaning of something that eats away or destroys material.


tending to destroy something slowly by chemical action

có xu hướng phá hủy một cái gì đó từ từ bằng hành động hóa học

  • the corrosive effects of salt water

    tác hại của nước muối

  • corrosive acid

    axit ăn mòn

tending to damage something gradually

có xu hướng làm hỏng một cái gì đó dần dần

  • Unemployment is having a corrosive effect on our economy.

    Thất nghiệp đang có tác động ăn mòn nền kinh tế của chúng ta.