Definition of toxic


độc hại


The word "toxic" derives from the Greek word "toxikon," which means "poisonous." During the Middle Ages, the term "toxic" referred to any substance that could cause harm or death through poisoning, particularly plant and animal toxins. The use of the term "toxic" in modern medicine dates back to the 19th century, when scientists began using the term to describe substances that were poisonous to living organisms, including humans. In the 20th century, the term "toxicology" was coined to describe the study of poisonous substances and their effects on living organisms. Today, the definition of toxicity has expanded to include not just poisonous substances, but any substance that can cause injury, damage, or disease to a living organism's normal physiological processes. This broadened definition has led to the overuse and misuse of the term "toxic" to describe a wide range of substances and situations, from perceived health risks associated with certain foods and beverages to environmental hazards and products. Despite this, the scientific concept of toxicity remains an essential element of medicine, public health, and environmental science for understanding and addressing the effects of substances and substances on living organisms.


containing poison; poisonous

chứa chất độc; chất độc

  • toxic chemicals/fumes/gases/substances

    hóa chất/khói/khí/chất độc hại

  • to dispose of toxic waste

    để xử lý chất thải độc hại

  • Many pesticides are highly toxic.

    Nhiều loại thuốc trừ sâu có độc tính cao.

  • This chemical is toxic to many forms of life.

    Hóa chất này độc hại đối với nhiều dạng sống.

Related words and phrases

a level of debt or high-risk investment that causes very serious problems for a bank or other financial institution

mức nợ hoặc đầu tư có rủi ro cao gây ra vấn đề rất nghiêm trọng cho ngân hàng hoặc tổ chức tài chính khác

very unpleasant, especially in the way somebody likes to control and influence other people in a dishonest way

rất khó chịu, đặc biệt là trong cách ai đó thích kiểm soát và gây ảnh hưởng đến người khác một cách không trung thực

  • I felt trapped in this toxic relationship.

    Tôi cảm thấy bị mắc kẹt trong mối quan hệ độc hại này.

  • The political situation is highly toxic.

    Tình hình chính trị rất độc hại.

  • the toxic atmosphere that now exists in political life

    bầu không khí độc hại hiện đang tồn tại trong đời sống chính trị