Definition of unbend




"Unbend" is a combination of the prefix "un-" meaning "not" or "the opposite of" and the verb "bend." The word "bend" has Old English roots, stemming from the Proto-Germanic word "bandan," meaning "to bind." Therefore, "unbend" literally means "to not bend" or "to straighten." Its meaning evolved to encompass the act of relaxing, becoming less tense, or becoming more open-minded, reflecting the physical act of straightening something rigid.


to relax and become less strict or formal in your behaviour or attitude

thư giãn và trở nên ít nghiêm khắc hoặc trang trọng hơn trong hành vi hoặc thái độ của bạn

  • He could be fun if he’d unbend a little.

    Anh ấy có thể sẽ vui vẻ nếu chịu khuất phục một chút.

to make something that was bent become straight; to become straight

làm cho một vật bị uốn cong trở nên thẳng; trở nên thẳng